The Meyner Center has the experience to perform an administrative review of a municipality.  This study can analyze any or all of the following:

  • the responsibilities and roles of all office staff, supervisory personnel, and appointed professionals
  • the work-load assignments of management and office personnel
  • job descriptions of all employees
  • compliance with state law concerning ordinance and minute books
  • timeliness of communication between the administrative and management staff and the board
  • any written policies and procedures

Studies have included:

Newtown Organizational Assessment (2021): The Center completed a review of the Borough’s organizational structure and financial operations.

Public Works Department Analysis (2021): The Center completed a review of the Franconia Township Public Works Department to assist the Township Manager in determining the best candidate to be the new Director.

Pocopson (2015): The Center completed an administrative analysis and organizational review for Pocopson Township, Pennsylvania.

Catasauqua (2015): The Center completed an administrative analysis and organizational review of the Public Works Department in the Borough of Catasauqua, Pennsylvania.

Northampton County Stray Dogs and Cats Study (2012-2013): The Center conducted a study for Northampton County on how the county and its municipal police departments might best respond to the rising problem of stray animals and too few local facilities to house and manage such animals since the county’s private non-profit shelter became a no-kill facility. The report has been widely publicized and discussed by county and municipal officials. Stewart E. Morel ’13 was research assistant on the project.

Easton (2010-2011): The Center conducted an administrative study of the effectiveness and efficiency of the city’s industrial pretreatment program that regulates the sewer effluent from local industries.

Lafayette College Plant-Operations Study (2010): At the request of the College’s Vice President for Finance and Administration, the Associate Director reviewed the quality of services provided by the College’s Division of Plant Operations.

Solebury Township (2010): The Center conducted an organizational assessment that analyzed and evaluated the township’s management structure.

Associate Director Nicole Beckett has 21 years of experience in municipal management in northeast Pennsylvania, including 12 years as the Borough Manager in Lehighton, where she managed a full-service municipality with a total budget of $20 million. Her experience in municipal government provides her with an excellent background to assist municipalities in managerial recruitment, administrative studies, financial analysis, and preparation of strategic plans.  She understands the culture of municipal government and the importance of the services provided by efficient and productive management personnel who work closely with the elected board.

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